Novel Coming Next

Thanks for being here!

I’m putting the Story Every Thursday on hiatus while I work on my second book, and first novel. It’s titled, The Drifter’s Curse.

It’s the story of a young man who gets “cursed” in Morocco while traveling the world. It spans UK, Germany, Spain, Morocco, Romania, and Greece. I wrote it while on a 7-month trip to all of those places. It’s a tale that pushes the real world as close to fantasy as it gets.

The first draft is printed, and waiting for the red pen.

Until then, enjoy the 70-ish stories posted on this website, and grab a copy of my first book, Odd Jobs & After Hours.

Odd Jobs is the story of drifting down the east coast of the USA, from New England to the Florida Keys chasing one sketchy “opportunity” after another.

Get it in audio, hardcover, paperback or Kindle. I recommend audio!

Keep an eye out for that novel, too.